oh hello blog its been way to long. i must apologize for my absence i needed to get myself sorted and rethink some things. i feel great and feel like my new/my old self. have you ever just slipped into bad habits or just lost control. living out here in England away from all my friends and family is very hard. but ONE MORE YEAR TO GO.
some bits and pieces of what ive been up to !! :]
001. i sat down with myself and thought out how i could keep myself organized and busy (i quit my stocking job because they weren't paying me a full pay)
002. i detail every bit of my day in my daily planner. almost hourly to keep myself busy and doing things
003. i had to rethink my friends here, some only are my friend when they need or want something (a baby shower gift or a ride to the airport) its the only time i get contacted they aren't worth my time because they were basically making me feel like maybe there's something wrong with me why wouldn't they want to be my friend in general. its a long story and don't want to go into details
004. i have learned that i do have one good friend here!! we go to the gym every day and we both are doing great!!!
005. i love my new gym schedule Monday- run and yoga , Tuesday- spin, Wednesday- run and yoga, Thursday- kickboxing, Friday- Run, Saturday- Run, Sunday- Run
006. ryan and i melted some crayon for art

we came across this online check it out here
007. ryan and i volunteered at the bazaar on base for a few hours, then walked around and enjoyed the 80 plus degree weather, held hands, and checked out all the goodies... and since we both are seeing progress with our weight loss we didn't have any of the yummy carnival like foods :]
008. ive been working on my knitted afghan its slowly comming along i work on it for an hour or two each day as i catch up with my recordings
009. i made a cake for a baby shower (twins)
(first completed cake, usually i make them but then eat them before i finish haha)
010. hiro is growing so fast
(hiro when on the 6 hour drive home)
"hello my name is hiro"
" look mommy taught me how to drive the car"
"this is my side of the bed"
"i was thinking of being a sphinx for Halloween"
"mommy get the camera outta my face"
"daddy i don't think i like my new hair cut" (ryan got a little to crazy with the sheers)
"cant i get a little cat nap in i have a busy day"
"im king of this castle"
just hanging out with dadda
"put me down"
"let me outta here i promise i wont pee on the kitchen floor anymore"
skwoooshy face
"oooooo thats the spotttt"
"dadda im not a baby anymore"
"im pooped"
i love my little guy <3
011. im reading the Hunger Games series and i read through the first book and its gotta be a favorite! i would suggest them :] im on the second book Catching Fire! ((thanks Clarissa for letting me borrow the books))